This policy and process is designed to address trademark related complaints regarding websites that TT P.O.D hosts for its customers. Our policy for copyright related complaints is located here: Copyright Matters.
TT P.O.D offers electronic services including website hosting and the purchase of domain names (utilizing a third party registrar) through the use of automated, customer operated, online tools. Our toolset includes a variety of templates and online editing features that permit our customers to create, enter and/or upload website content of their choice
As part of our Terms of Use, our customers warrant that they have appropriate intellectual property rights in any content they create or upload to our servers for hosting as part of their customer website. Moreover, our customers agree to indemnify and hold harmless TT P.O.D for all liability resulting from any breach of warranties including the aforementioned intellectual property warranty.
If you have a concern regarding use of your trademark on a TT P.O.D hosted customer website, kindly send the following details to
Upon receipt of the complaint, TT P.O.D will launch an investigation into the matter. If, upon investigation, we believe there is a reasonable basis for the complaint, we will:
TT P.O.D is under no obligation to investigate any matters which do not comply with the process or information requirements stated above. Nonetheless, and to the extent possible, any complaints related to TT P.O. third party trademarks will be handled by the foregoing process.
During our investigation, should circumstances dictate, and in our sole discretion, TT P.O.D may follow an amended, delayed, expedited or modified process to that detailed above.